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Situation which is not suitable for overhead crane running

Oct 26, 2017

overhead crane

The single girder overhead crane & double girder overhead crane is widely used for lifting heavy objects in industrial factory, the safety requirement is very important for working operation. For avoid accident, please do not running overhead crane when following situation:

1. Must not operate when overloading or lifting weight is unclear
2. Must operate if command signal is not clear
3. Must operate when tied up, hanging is not strong or unbalanced, it may cause the slide
4. Must operate if there is person or floating object on hung objects
5. Must operate when structure parts or component has been damaged to affect safety work
6. Must operate if there are unclear embedded objects in hung materials
7. Must operate when workplace is dusky, and unable to see the worksite, hanging objects and command signals
8. Must operate if there is not gasket between objects conner edges and wire bundle
9. Must operate when crane safety device incomplete and unreliable
overhead crane